New Purchase Auto Loan
Before you shop for your next vehicle, get a great rate and fast pre-approval from TCCU.
as low as 5.74% APR* 60 months. No payment for 3 months.
• No payment for 90 days
• Flexible terms up to 84 months
• No application fee
• Choose 48-months- as low as 5.49% APR*
• Fast decisions
• Apply for pre-approval
• Great Service
Refinance Auto Loan
Ask us about refinancing an auto loan you have with another lender.
TCCU will lower your other lender’s rate by 2% and save you hundreds or thousands of dollars over the life of your loan. Conditions apply. See details.
*APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Offer applies to vehicles refinanced from another financial institution at a rate up to 2% lower than your existing APR, subject to a floor rate of 4% APR. Vehicle eligibility: model year 2019 or newer with fewer than 100,000 miles. Must provide a copy of your current loan agreement or statement indicating your existing rate. Savings will vary based on your existing rate, loan amount and term. If you choose to defer payments for 90 days, interest will accrue from the date of disbursement. Subject to credit approval and membership eligibility. Rates and terms are subject to change without notice. Certain restrictions may apply; visit TCCU for full details.
Lease Buyout Auto Loan
Love the leased car you’re driving and ready to buy?
Ask Total Community CU about a Lease Buyout Auto Loan.
as low as 5.74% APR* 60 months. No payment for 3 months.
*APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Finance $10,000 for 60 months at an annual percentage rate of 5.74% and your monthly payment is $192.11. For deferred payments for 90 days, interest will accrue from the date the loan is disbursed. Rates featured are listed “as low as” and are subject to credit approval, credit score, and collateral. Rates and terms are subject to change without notice. Please contact Total Community Credit Union for most recent rates. Certain additional restrictions apply.
Start today with our online application
Want to talk it over before applying? Call (313) 291-3300.